Using Dada Solutions

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Using Data Solutions

Using Data  EffectivelyEnables Teachers to Re-Focus Instruction

Using Data - Professional Learning and Coaching Prepares Schools to Exceed Growth Targets for All Groups of Students

Using Data Makes It Possible to Idenify What's Working and What Isn't Working for Students

Using Data Provides Students Day-to-Day Feedback on Their Learning

Using Data Highlights Areas of Content & Pedagogical Knowledge Where We Need to Learn More

Using Data Equals
Continuous Learning For All

"Using Data improves teachers' knowledge about data use and their attitudes toward using data in their own teaching. It has also shown promise for increasing learning on the part of students whose teachers were trained by Using Data. This is particularly true of students who were intially low achievers.

(Using Data to Inform Decisions: How Teachers Use Data to Inform Practice and Improve Student Performance in Mathematics - Results from a Randomized Experiment of Program Efficacy. Cavalluzzo et al. 2014)


District Leaders Must Model & Support a Successful Data Literacy Culture. More >>

Data Quality Campaign's Rebecca Shah shares insights about "How Educators Use Data: TERC’s 4-Step Process."
Read more and subscribe to our blog>>

 Using Data Solutions: Partner in New National Data Center Initiative at WestEd. More >>

Evidence Is Everybody's Business What Do Leaders Need to Know and Do, SEEN Magazine Spring 2016 More >>


Executive Learning for Education Leaders

This is a 2-day intensive professional development to prepare your leaders to initiate, support, and sustain the continuous use of data embedded into day-to-day practice. We use your data in the activities!

Leadership, Coherence, and Using Data for Meaningful Change

A premier data-inspired Leaders’ Academy for district and school administrators. The Academy is grounded in authentic collaborative inquiry and proven practices…leading to program COHERENCE and improved STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT.

Offered by Using Data Solutions, formerly TERC’s Using Data Project (developed with funding from the National Science Foundation)

Come armed with strong professional commitment & local academic challenges.

Academy outcomes move participating leaders from:
Commitment to Know-How | Responsibility to Action

Build a Culture of Using Data for Meaningful Change

Using Data Solution's professional development prepares teachers to confidently analyze multiple types of data and use the results to plan changes in instruction. With evidence in hand, teachers develop short-cycle instructional plans focused on incorporating a range of strategies to help every student achieve at higher levels. Using Data PD was one of the first models based on developing teachers ability to collaborate professionally, to engage in deep, thoughtful inquiry – continuously!

(Using Data to Inform Decisions: How Teachers Use Data to Inform Practice and Improve Student Performance in Mathematics - Results from a Randomized Experiment of Program Efficacy. Cavalluzzo et al. 2014)

Using Data to Make a Positive Impact on Learning

For more than 18 years, Using Data has helped school systems improve their practices and curriculum through utilizing the data sitting right in front of them every day. We strive to help educational organizations understand and utilize classroom as well as other data, so they may better serve their pupils. We provide our services to a variety of organizations and systems, such as:

Schools | School Districts | Schools of Education | Academic Professional Organizations

Focusing on PreK–12 grades, community college and schools of education, our professional development builds the capacity of teachers and leaders to identify needs and make the changes desired to impact the course of achievement at all levels.

Our systemic approach prepares district and school administrators to initiate, support, and sustain a continuous improvement process with data to provide exceptional improvements for students in every subject. From the administration to the teachers, we help entire education networks to improve student learning and performance.

We take great pride in helping schools and systems utilize data effectively by helping teachers gain the knowledge, the skills, the confidence, and the trust to use their data in ways that transform classroom and school practices.

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Thank you for your interest. Please reach out with questions or comments using the information below. We look forward to hearing from you.

(774) 993-2005

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Using Data for Meaningful Change

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